204 Red River Ave. South • PO Box 438 • Cold Spring, MN 56320

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UMI is authorized to do business in the following Minnesota counties:

Anoka, Becker, Benton, Carver, Cass, Douglas, Hennepin, Hubbard, Isanti, Kandiyohi, Mcleod, Meeker, Morrison, Otter Tail, Pope, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Wadena, Wright, and all the cities located within these counties with the exception of the following cities which exceed the statuary limits of inhabitants: Blaine in Anoka County, and Brooklyn Park, Edina, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Richfield and St. Louis Park in Hennepin County and in the St. Cloud proper area of Stearns County. (Does not exclude the St. Cloud outskirts.)

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